HAPPY 'WEEN! Game Music, Relay Bros

"The one night a year where we can pretend to be the scariest thing we think of."
  - Trick 'r Treat (2007)

I LOVE HALLOWEEN SO MUCH. Christmas is wonderful, but nothing pulls the kid from my soul like October. And there's no better excuse to watch trashy movies as an adult.

This marks the sixth year that the Danse Macabre album series has come back to life. Every year, various members of the video game remix community and others contribute to a charity-driven compilation of covers and arrangements from movies, video games, TV - anything horror-themed. It's lovely.

I've been lucky enough to contribute to every one. This year, I decided to fulfill a small dream of tackling Laura Palmer's theme from Twin Peaks. Every once in a while, there is a song that you are simply afraid to touch. This was one of those. I tried my best to capture the more unnerving aspects of Twin Peaks - my favorite aspects. I hope you enjoy it! I also contributed to a DEEP CUT cover of the C64 game, Forbidden Forest, for the band WARK!.

Danse Macabre VI

Here are the previous Danse Macabre tracks I've been lucky enough to work on.

Danse Macabre V

The Themesong from Terrorvision (featuring my wife, Claire Henry, on vocals):

I also contributed to a cover of Gentle Giant's Alucard with Yes, Mayhem:

Danse Macabre IV

This year was a game year. I did music from Alien Crush (TG16) featuring Cory Johnson and my wife, Claire Henry:

Danse Macabre III

This year I was too busy to do a track on my own, but I did contribute to Viking Guitar Live's cover of "Year Zero" by Ghost:

Danse Macabre II

WEIRD ONE. I did a cover of "All the Men in My Life Keep Getting Killed by Candarian Demons" from Evil Dead: The Musical. Yes, there is a musical. This one features Kirby Pufocia and Cheryl Norfair on vocals. 

Danse Macabre I

I worked with Chunkstyle, Kevin Lawrence, and Norin_Radd to cover the themesong from Tenebre, originally composed by Goblin.

Game Music

I'm doing music for a few different video game projects. While I can't share tracks for obvious reasons, here is a list of outtakes and demos that I recently put up. I haven't created a mountain of music this year, but I'm very satisfied with the jumps in style. 2017 hasn't been a quantity year, but it has been a year for variety - a year for experimentation.

Relay Bros

I'm kicking myself for not kicking off this idea sooner, but at least I'm a part of it! Relay Bros is a collaboration like you've never seen. A list of musicians each take a segment of the same song and arrange only that piece. The pieces are then stitched together, relay-style. IT'S SO GREAT. I've contributed to two songs so far - Actraiser and Sonic Mania. You can peep 'em below and follow the channel (or the Twitter) for new songs. We're already working on the next one. 

Other odds and ends

- Viking Guitar Live will be at MAGFest!!! Yes, the full band. I'M SO STOKED. I may... be performing in another group that hasn't been announced yet. Possibly. 

- Steven Universe is still happening - on the regular. I just got my second co-composing credit this past week! It's an honor. I wish I could post all the songs that have been worked on, but they are exclusive to the show. Be sure to check out the Steven Universe (Soundtrack: Vol. 1) if you haven't already. 

- I did a vocal mix for a pop cover of Cruel Summer by the producer, HRDY. It sorta blew up, which is cool. It's also help me flex a bit with vocal production:

- I won a mixing contest for Jason Burns for his World of Tomorrow concept piece. It's a pretty neat song - if you like concept songs and prog. I do.

- I did a guitar solo for Brian Kline (aka Sonic Clang). You can check out the song here

- Other production stuff is in the pipe, but nothing to share yet. If you're interested in production work, have a need for instruments, or need some music written, hit me up!